Welcome to your nightmare online!

In the darkest of hours, rain and thunder in the night, a pair of yellow eyes watching you from behind. You can feel the eyes drilling it's way into your soul. The heavy breathing of something hungry strokes your neck. You turn around just to se the monster in it's eyes to find out it's your father filled with rage because you spend your time reading and watching horror.

This page...

Is a guide for you to help you find good movies. I'll write reviews about some movies I've seen and if there is some movie you would like my oppinion in just write me in the guestbook and I'll do my best to find it and watch it as soon as I can.


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New movie reviews in the blog!

09/10/2013 05:19
Now you can read about "The lords of Salem" and "Absentia" in the blog. Please visit!

Visitors notice

08/10/2013 21:51
this website is under construction! Please visit again for more information.

Website launched

08/10/2013 21:50
Our new website has been launched today. I've started this website for people who are like me and...
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